Guest Post by Justin Bog

The morning began very early; I was in a rush of thinking about all I had to do today, and then the day grew in amazement. The past few days I’ve been busy planning a Giveaway weekend for my first book Sandcastle and Other Stories, and worrying over every detail. The Giveaway was supposed to begin Friday morning. I woke up at 4:30am to check. Nope, the Amazon book page still had the old details. Nothing had changed. So, I double-checked with the Select program and realized I had input the wrong starting date. Big whoops.

Now, I have to alert everyone of this change. The book goes FREE at Amazon at midnight on Friday, in my Pacific Coast timezone and runs until midnight on Monday, October 1st. so, if you have a kindle or an iPad with the free kindle app, please go over to Amazon and download the book. If you get the book for free, please feel free to tell me what you think of the stories when you finish reading the book. It’s not a long book, close to 60,000 words, and some of the tales are deep and may be psychologically disturbing, while others may make you look closer at the person sitting next to you in a public place.

A little later in the morning a writing pal texted me with the news that Sandcastle and Other Stories was just reviewed at The Huffington Post. I couldn’t believe it, but the positive and very complete review is up. Please read the review and share the news too with any other readers and writers you may know. Here’s the link:




Here’s the link to the Amazon page for Sandcastle and Other Stories

Here’s what the book is about: Ten literary, psychological, and suspense tales collected in Sandcastle and Other Stories are nothing short of an adventure through a roiling sea of emotion. An old man twisted by fate and a lost love . . . a young girl playing on the ocean shore becomes entangled in nets of a mercurial god . . . a divorced man mired in troubles, coerced into taking a singles’ cruise . . . a Hollywood actor in a television drama, always typecast as the bad boy . . . a child kept awake by night terrors, and a woman who hides her secretive personality from everyone on the beach one sunny day. Genuine voices of the characters, mixed with a clear-eyed tonal directness, make this a series with mesmerizing psychological interaction. Stories span a broad depth of human understanding and build a bridge between deepest chasms of pain and high portals of joy. Read Sandcastles and Other Stories and stand witness to unspeakable hate sitting with cozy wile, right beside unconditional love — a provocative and compelling mirror on the human condition.


Thank you Tracy for shining a spotlight on my book and the weekend Giveaway. Your friend, Justin.


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Justin Bog

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