Zen and the Art of Admin Tasks

Blurb (quote): “Every basic admin task you handle yourself is time lost to more pressing activities. With Zen and the Art of Admin Tasks, Nate and Nic have created a simple and straightforward guide to delegating your calendar and email so you can feel comfortable that everything is taken care of.”

–Keith Ferrazzi, author of the #1 NY Times Bestseller Who’s Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone.


Purchase links:

Website: https://artofadmintasks.com/

Amazon Link: http://a.co/d/6mO53UF

Author Bios:

Nathan Pettijohn is a talent manager, producer, and growth hacker. In 2011, Nathan founded Cordurouy, where he now serves as CEO. Cordurouy leads digital strategy for numerous brands and influencers. As a talent manager, Nathan represents business innovators such as Janice Bryant Howroyd (Founder and CEO, The ActOne Group). He is also a contributing writer for Forbes on topics relating to what business leaders need to know about innovations in media and digital strategy.


 Nic De Castro is a sales leader in the marketing technology industry with a breadth of experience both building businesses and selling products to the largest advertisers on the planet. He’s lived in Boston, LA, Chicago, NYC, SF, Boulder, & Bozeman and has nearly broken 1M miles for work travel, but has been fortunate to sneak quite a bit of fun into those miles over the years. Nic is VP of Strategic Partnerships at Strike Social.

Social Media Links:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artofadmintasks/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/artofadmintasks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/artofadmintasks